2009年美國CEA (Consumer Electronics Association)就曾宣告要制訂3D眼鏡的標準規格,事隔一年多後,又慎重其事地宣佈要制訂主動式3D眼鏡的標準,希望這回它是玩真的。首先,它呼籲大家(包括所有目前的3D電視大廠與主動式3D眼鏡的廠商),於2011531日以前能夠提出建言以供CEA參考,以便能制訂出符合大家所能接受的標準。其目的希望能制訂出一個標準的主動式3D眼鏡,以便可以使用於各廠牌主動式3D電視,有利於主動式3D電視的推廣。



的這個制訂行動是來遲了,應該早在3D電視尚未上市之前就要將3D眼鏡的標準制訂出來,就像Blu-Ray 3D PlayerHDMI 1.4a一樣;不過即使當時制訂了標準,如果各主動式3D電視廠商不支持,也是徒然無功,因這裡牽涉到各3D電視大廠與主動式3D眼鏡廠商的龐大利益,要整合這些利益團體有相當高的難度;但是站在消費者的立場而言,我們是樂觀其成,接下來就看CEA的魄力了,這也考驗CEA的智慧!

-JG (www.i-art.com.tw)

CEA Seeks 3D Glasses Standardisation, But Only On Active-Shutter Type


      者:Jonathan Sutton


The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) has this week invited interested manufacturers in the HDTV industry to submit proposals to standardise the infrared synchronisation signal used on active-shutter 3D glasses, so that eyewear from one brand can be used on three-dimensional TVs from other makes. The American trade organisation hopes that by arriving at a common standard for interoperable 3D glasses, the public will be less hesitant about buying a 3D TV, which will then drive up household adoption.

At present, a pair of active-shutter 3D glasses from a certain manufacturer will generally only work with 3DTVs of the same brand, because the infrared signal used to synchronise the 3D goggles to the corresponding transmitter varies from one TV maker to another. Without correct synchronisation, the shutters on the glasses will not open and close in tandem with the two slightly different images sent to the left and right eyes, therefore extinguishing any intended 3D effect.

CEA’s vice president of research and standards Brian Markwalter explained that the organisation is simply fulfilling its role as a respected standards-setting body when pushing for such a change. He believes that as 3D televisions become more prevalent in the marketplace, the need for interchangeable active-shutter glasses between different 3DTV brands grows even stronger due to consumer demand and expectations.

Interested consumer electronics manufacturers have been asked to submit their ideas through the downloadable Active Eyewear Standards IR Sync Request For Proposal form before 5pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) on the 31st of May 2011. A 3D Technologies Working Group, R4WG16, has also been set up which is open for participation subject to approval.

While the CEA’s desire to establish a universal standard for 3D glasses is commendable, active shutter is not the only technology available on the market. LG Electronics have teamed up with several well-known HDTV manufacturers including Toshiba, Vizio and Philips to push its FPR (film-type patterned retarder) passive 3D LCD panels, trumpeting their more affordable prices, flicker-free 3D viewing experience, and also the complementary polarized 3D glasses’ superior cost and comfort. Further down the line, glasses-free (also known technically as autostereoscopic) 3D TV may become the norm, but it will probably take quite a few years before the technology is able to achieve mass-market penetration.






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