
Intel於今年初發表其Sandy Bridge處理器時,相信很多人已經看出Intel希望往3D發展的企圖心,而不讓其競爭對手AMDHD3D與整合GPU之加速處理器APU(Accelerated Processing Unit)專美於前。主要是Sandy Bridge處理器已將GPU(HD Graphics 2000/3000)整合進來以支援3D功能,如此一來,在3D市場上又多了一個強有力的生力軍。只不過初來乍到,Intel尚未準備好完整的3D套餐,光有硬體還不行,除了必須借助於第三方(Third Party)3D軟體來支援,還需要其它3D應用軟硬體廠商的配合。

從最近媒體的報導中,確認DDD公司已率先授權其3D軟體(TriDef 3D Player3D Driver)給予Intel,其中的3D Driver才是Intel最需要的,有了3D Driver才能跑3D Games。很明顯地,3D Games是所有3D平台必備的殺手級應用,雖然可預期未來的3D Games本身就會支援各種3D平台,不過這種屬於Middle Ware(過渡性軟體)3D Driver目前還是有其存在的價值。至於DDD的「2D3D」軟體TriDef 3D Player,則只是聊備一格,乏善可陳;倒是Sandy Bridge可以支援HDMI 1.4a,有其絕對的必要性,可以為Blu-Ray 3D的應用開創一條大道。由此看來,Intel Sandy Bridge所建構的3D平台(Intel稱之為Intru 3D),與AMDHD3D有異曲同功之妙,都是「3D Over HDMI 1.4a」的3D解決方案;也就是說,IntelIntru 3DAMDHD3D一樣,不會去開發任何3D眼鏡,因為這是3D Ready Display(3D Ready TV)廠商要去負責的事。

目前AMDIntel不約而同地推出其整合GPU之處理器,且又支援3D功能,並採取「開放式」架構,任何3D軟硬體廠商都可以免費授權其技術或SDK來開發3D應用,相較於nVidia 3D Vision的「封閉式」架構,顯然「3D Over HDMI 1.4a」有更大的發展空間,也是3D PC未來發展的一個大趨勢,只要依據這個標準架構,就可以開發出相容的3D軟硬體產品,這對於擅長走標準化路線的台灣資訊業者是一大福音。

至此,我們幾乎可以很篤定地說:「3D Over HDMI 1.4a」應該就是PC最佳的3D解決方案。相信這種「3D Over HDMI 1.4a」會形成3D PC的主流平台,尤其由Intel來主導與整合3D軟硬體廠商,雖然Intel的目的是要推銷其Sandy Bridge處理器,但是因為有Intel的參與,可以更加活絡3D PC的市場,為3D產業注入一劑強心針!

-JG (



DDD Group confirms licence deal with Intel




DDD (LON:DDD) , the US-based 3D consumer technology licensing group, confirmed this morning that a licensing agreement signed earlier in April with an unnamed PC chip manufacturer is actually industry giant Intel Corp. The agreement is to bundle DDD’s TriDef 3D PC conversion software products with Intel’s new 2nd Generation Intel Core processor PC platforms. Combining the two technologies allows a broad range of popular PC games to be enjoyed by consumers without the need for additional graphics devices in their PC. The DDD share price rose by 3p to 39p on the news.

The two-year license agreement allows Intel to supply DDD’s TriDef 3D Experience software with its own 3D PC processors directly to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and also in retail 3D accessory packs. DDD will receive quarterly royalties from Intel based on the volume of OEM and retail software products shipped. It is expected that OEMs will begin shipping the combined solution during the second half of 2011.

Last October, DDD agreed a collaboration with multinational semiconductor company AMD (NYSE: AMD) that will combine its TriDef stereoscopic 3D software with AMD's next generation AMD Radeon HD 6000 family of graphics processors. Through the collaboration, AMD plans to supply DDD’s TriDef software under license to PC OEMs and add-in-board (AiB) manufacturers as part of AMD's integrated 3D solution.

Chris Yewdall, the chief executive of DDD, said: “The partnership with Intel is the culmination of many months of close collaboration with Intel’s PC Client Group team and is a major milestone for DDD. Intel's selection of TriDef to enable significant aspects of their 3D product offering underscores the recent progress we have made in delivering a market-leading 3D content solution for the PC market.”

The agreement also includes a development contract valued at approximately £93,000 related to the initial customisation of the TriDef PC software for Intel's new Core processors. Approximately £62,000 of this was recognised in 2010 as DDD completed the initial work in preparation for demonstrations at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show in January this year.

Based on Intel’s new 32nm microarchitecture, the new 2nd Generation Intel Core processors offer new levels of performance through optimised Intel Turbo Boost Technology and Intel Hyper-Threading Technology, as well as significant advances in visual and 3D graphics capabilities through processor graphics. These advances deliver new capabilities, and the performance with 2nd Generation Intel Core processors allows a broad range of popular PC games to be enjoyed by consumers without the need for additional graphics devices in their PC.

Intel and DDD plan to promote the TriDef stereoscopic 3D game engine to game developers for both current and future games. They are also planning to integrate the TriDef stereoscopic 3D software more closely with the media functions of the 2nd Generation Intel Core processors to facilitate access to DDD’s 2D to 3D conversion by third party software developers. Intel is also planning to offer a selection of original 3D movie trailers drawn from the growing library of high definition 3D movies available on DDD’s Yabazam! website, rounding out their comprehensive 3D offering for OEMs and end users alike. In addition, the companies plan to explore opportunities for the use of DDD's 2D to 3D conversion with Intel's other processor families.




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