
最近,愛爾得公司亦開發一款563840x2160畫素之「裸眼3D立體顯示器」,其使用奇美電子的56吋面板,這種特殊面板除了在醫療方面的應用外,對於需要高解析度的「裸眼3D立體顯示器」來說,在影像畫質上加分不少,其細膩程度是Full HD的四倍,當然其價格也是不斐。


-JG (www.i-art.com.tw)





NHK to Exhibit 33-Mpixel 3D Display



May 21, 2009 17:24

Tetsuo Nozawa, Nikkei Electronics


The Science & Technical Research Laboratories (STRL) of Japan Broadcasting Corp (NHK) revealed May 19, 2009, details about the main exhibits of the exhibition that the company will hold from May 21 to 24, 2009.


Some of the exhibits that will be showcased at the exhibition, NHK Open House 2009, are based on the technologies presented at last year's open house though they were partially improved.


One of the main features of this year's exhibition was the "Ultra-high Definition TV" with a resolution of 7,680 x 4,320 (approximately 33 Mpixels). STRL has exhibited the Ultra-High Definition TV last year and the years before. But this is the first time that the company will showcase a truly 33-Mpixel TV, according to the laboratories.


STRL exhibited a prototype composed of four 4K x 2K panels in addition to a large projection TV at this preview event. It demonstrated a live broadcast of the landscape in Sapporo City, Hokkaido in Japan by compressing data into a 100Mbps H.264 video stream with the use of IP transmission and a satellite.


The "integral 3D TV" will be exhibited for two consecutive years. The 21-inch 3D TV was realized by using a lens array that covers an ultra-high definition panel. In addition to the use of the true ultra-high definition display, STRL reduced the lens array pitch to 1.34mm.


"Compared with the last year's model, the vertical and horizontal resolutions of 3D images were both doubled, quadrupling the resolution in total," STRL said.


Also, the luminance of STRL's flexible OLED panel was doubled by improving the production method for the organic TFT arrays used for driving and selecting pixels. And it has a higher display uniformity.


The 5.8-inch flexible OLED panel features a low drive voltage of 5-15V, a resolution of 213 x 120 x RGB, a frame frequency of 60 Hz and 8-bit gradation. Its luminance was enhanced by using a phosphorescent substance as a light emitting material. The panel is 0.3-0.4mm thick.


However, the OLED panel exhibited this time was substantially equal to the product presented at the 15th International Display Workshops (IDW '08), an international academic conference on display technologies that took place in December 2008 in Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan.


"Unlike the model presented at IDW '08, which had an OLED layer formed by an inkjet process, the layer in the new panel is manufactured by vapor deposition," STRL said.



An ultra-high definition projection theater


A live broadcast of the landscape in Sapporo displayed on a screen composed of four 4K x 2K panels


The 33-Mpixel integral 3D display. The resolution of the 21-inch model is equivalent to 400 x 250.


The flexible OLED panel can display video at a frame frequency of 60 Hz.





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