加拿大Spatial View公司曾經在去年發表過使用在iPhone 3GS的「裸眼3D顯示套件」(Wazabe 3DeeShell),並與一家成人網站合作,使用者可以付費下載成人圖片或影片來觀賞。後來,據聞銷售成績不甚理想,這次又捲土重來,但產品本質與上次並無太大的差異,只是將3D Lens改為軟片(考慮可以操作Touch Screen)

其實類似這樣的產品,愛爾得公司的Auto3D Kit 早在2003年就已經開賣了,只是其3D Lens的尺寸較大(因為是使用在LCD MonitorNotebook PC),但是主要的功能還是一樣的,提供一個裸眼3D立體顯示的套件。不過,這個3DeeSlide所支援的iPod TouchiPhone 4,其3D Lens的解析度應該不會太高,因為它會根據iPod TouchPixel Pitch來設計,如此才能同時適用於iPod Touch(解析度480x320 Pixels)iPhone 4 (解析度960x640 Pixels),這樣做的目的,我猜想是為了節省3D Lens模具費,但也犧牲了可以提昇iPhone 4 3D畫質的機會。


-JG (www.i-art.com.tw)

Spatial View Brings Autostereoscopic 3D to Popular Apple Gadgets


Almost everyday we treated to a new and possibly exciting development in the world of Apple and its shiny gadgets, the iPod, iPhone and now, iPad. Today is no exception, thanks to Spatial View (Toronto, Canada) as they bring 3D to the to the handheld masses. The company is making a lenticular screen for these devices, enabling autostereoscopic (no glasses-based) 3D viewing of properly formatted content.

Dale Maunu
Insight Media Consultant

The lenticular screen looks like a screen protector you slide in front of the display; the company calls the device "3DeeSlide." There is a slot in the case for sliding in the screen, after which it is necessary to bring up an alignment image and manually move the screen to see the 3D effect. You only use the screen for viewing 3D content; the rest of the time it is stored.

The company is planning on a version for the iPad (to be released this fall) and is also developing a version for laptops.

Spatial View has some content available for users on their website and is working on bringing more to the market. According to the company:

"You’ll be able to download 3D content or tune into a live 3D broadcast and experience the event on your home computer screen as if you were there. This fall, Spatial View will launch 3DeeCentral. It will be the only content distribution system to provide stereo 3D content on the iPhone and iPod touch, when used with Spatial View’s 3DeeSlide. 3D enthusiasts and creative professionals will be able to view and interact with compelling stereo 3D content in the home or on the move with their mobile, laptop and desktop devices."

Our take: This is an interesting approach to bringing 3D to consumers and could be successful. The Apple gadgets have proven to be popular, and have also attracted many software developers. With the upcoming launch of the Nintendo 3DS, there is an opportunity for game developers to offer their AS-3D games on more than one platform, assuming they port their games to the iPhone/iPad and incorporate the Spatial View video format. Another opportunity would be the viewing of the thousands of 3D YouTube videos — again assuming that the video format issue can be resolved. It looks like 2011 will be the year of handheld 3D.



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