這是繼日本Fujifilm去年8月上市3D數位相機後,為搶搭這波3D熱潮,Sharp則接著發表其應用於手機的3D相機,它能夠拍攝1280x720 Pixels的解析度,而且在今年(2010)內就可以量產。

其實這款3D相機(應該稱「模組」較適合),不僅可以使用於手機,也可使用於任何行動裝置如小筆電(Netbook PC)、數位相機、掌上型遊戲機、…等。當然,Sharp主要會是搭配在它Parallax Barrier3D顯示器上,所以稍早就有謠傳任天堂的3DS掌上型遊戲機(使用SharpParallax Barrier技術)上會有3D相機,應該不會是空穴來風。

從它的外型看來,其立體距離(兩個鏡頭之間距離)約為30mm,依我的推算它的最佳拍攝範圍約是30cm ~ 250cm,這對於一般行動裝置的應用已足夠了。由於今年「四大天王」(4 Bigs)SonyPanasonicSamsungLG要將3D Ready TV送進家庭;也就是說,當3D顯示器普及到一般家庭後,我相信會有愈來愈多的3D攝影產品與應用會陸續上市,Sharp只是先鳴槍開跑而已。

我個人是相當看好3D相機的應用市場,因為當3D TV普及於市場後,會有相當龐大數量的3D內容需求,而個人與家庭的「3D影像紀念」會是一個殺手級的應用。如果能夠將3D相機模組做成多個相機鏡頭(5)則會更佳,這樣一來,不只可以使用在3D TV顯示,更可以應用在3D立體數位相框與個性化3D相片列印,這會有相當大的商機。

-JG (www.i-art.com.tw)


Sharp brings the First 3D Camera For Phones




sharp-3d camera


Well not just mobile phones, they are designed for a variety of devices such as phones, digital cameras or even netbooks. Sharp’s 3D camera module will start mass production this year. Sharp’s 3D camera will be able to capture 720p video in 3D, an industry first for mobile devices.


While Sharp’s press release on the subject mentioned simply “digital cameras, mobile phones, and smartphones,” we must remember that Nintendo’s 3DS is rumored to be using Sharp’s glasses-less parallax barrier technology in its displays. With the latest crop of DS is having dual cameras it’s not entirely unfathomable that these 3D camera modules could be first seen in a certain portable gaming console


PR given below


Osaka, May 12, 2010 – (JCN Newswire) – Sharp Corporation has developed a 3D camera module for mobile devices capable of capturing high-definition (720p)(1) 3D video images, an industry first.(2) Sharp will start shipping samples in July. Mass production of these modules will begin within 2010.


3D images are composed of two views taken using two cameras that simultaneously capture separate images for the right and left eyes. Consequently, a 3D camera requires peripheral circuitry to apply image processing to the two images, for example, to adjust color or to correct positioning between the images from the two cameras. Manufacturers have thus been pursuing designs that reduce the size and weight of 3D cameras and seeking ways to shorten their development period.


The current 3D camera module developed by Sharp incorporates functions to process the image data output by the left and right cameras, including Color Synchronizing Processing to adjust color and brightness, Timing Synchronizing Processing to synchronize the timing of the video signals, and Optical Axis Control Processing to correct positioning. In addition, Fast Readout Technology rapidly transfers video data from the image sensor, enabling 3D images to be captured in high-resolution HD mode. Further, in developing this camera module, Sharp applied high-density mounting technology nurtured over long years of experience in camera module development to achieve a compact form. Embedding this camera module in mobile devices such as digital cameras, mobile phones, and smartphones will contribute to the development of a wide range of new, innovative communications tools.


In the future, Sharp will be opening up new 3D markets based on 3D display technologies, including small/medium-size and large-size 3D LCDs, as well as on 3D input device technologies such as 3D camera module.

(1) 720 effective scanning lines (progressive scanning system). Resolution: 1280 H x 720 V pixels.

(2) As of
May 12, 2010, for camera modules used in mobile devices.



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